So sorry, folks. The cold nights early last week took one last toll on all the spears above ground, and, at last, we are able to move on and start picking regularly. This is by far the latest we've gotten our stand up and running. Please come on over to our farm stand fridge and get your fresh, certified organic asparagus- starting today!
And rhubarb! We grow thick, red stalked rhubarb so your crisp doesn't end up looking like chile verde. Fresh herbs (oregano, dill, cilantro, lovage), and eggs will be stocked as available.
We keep one pound bundles of asparagus ($5) stocked, as well as 5 pound bulk bags ($20). If you are ever here and don't see what you want, feel free to knock on the door. If you want larger quantities or special requests- we'll take those, too! Email me at We also like to visit with you so don't be shy about saying hello.
See you soon!