seasonal farm goods
spring produce + eggs
Subscribe or check the blog for on-farm sales updates of daily picked asparagus as well as rhubarb, herbs and the BEST EGGS. Typically our asparagus season runs May and June, with the second week of May offering peak quantity- think pickles! Come visit us and get your superfoods!

grassfed meat
The Katahdin is a hair sheep breed raised for their hardiness and mild and tender meat. Katahdin have plenty of endearing attributes that most appeal to shepherds, making them a great match for rotationally grazing on our homestead. Grassfed lamb is lean and nutrient dense, with healthful fats, and great flavor. We harvest lambs in the fall. Some years we raise a few pastured heritage breed hogs too. Subscribe or check updates and be the first to hear about our grassfed meat availability.

Sheep, goats, poultry and pigs provide us with companionship and a variety of farm products. Our livestock are a cornerstone of Little Heathens Farm. We choose breeds carefully and enjoy getting to know rare breeds when we can. We select the best we can afford and care for them well. Learn more about our livestock management. News about kiddings and sales will be posted on instagram or in our updates tab- subscribe!